Fee Lists

This list is a brief summary of the various permit fees and is not to be considered as an official and complete fee schedule. Please refer to the applicant’s handbook of the specific permit type for all fee details and conditions.


Water Use Permits



There shall be a non-refundable water use permit application processing fee according to the following schedule for all new, modification, or renewal applications:


Annual Average Daily Withdrawal Processing Fee*:


    • Less than 25,000 gallons per day, average, $100

    • 25,000 to 99,999 gallons per day, average, $250

    • 100,000 to 499,999 gallons per day, average, $500

    • 500,000 to 999,999 gallons per day, average, $1000

    • 1,000,000 to 1,999,999 gallons per day, average, $2000

    • 2,000,000 gallons or more per day, average, $3000

Permit Transfer** or Letter Modification, $50

Temporary Permit (in addition to the fees identified above), $50


*Any county or municipality meeting the criteria specified in Section 218.075, F.S., may request a reduction in the required fee amount as provided in Rule 40A-1.2025, F.A.C.

**No transfer fee is required if the transfer is processed in conjunction with a permit modification or renewal.



Environmental Resource Permits                                                                                                                          Top



Processing fees required by the Department and the Northwest Florida Water Management District (NWFWMD) for activities regulated under Chapter 62-330, F.A.C., are listed below.


For purposes of determining the applicable processing fee, the terms “activity,” “project,” “project area,” and “works” are as defined in Section 2.0 of the Applicant’s Handbook Volume I incorporated by reference in paragraph 62-330.010(4)(a), F.A.C.


1.  Activities qualifying for an Agency’s electronic self-certification:


a.  Self-certification in accordance with the general permit under Section 403.814(12), F.S., $0

b.  Self-certification for activities other than those under Section 403.814(12), F.S., $0


2.  Determination of qualification for an activity exemption


a. Under Rules 62-330.050 and 62-330.051, F.A.C., $100

b. Under Rule 62-330.0511, F.A.C. , $0


3.  Determination of qualification to use a general permit, $250


4.  Individual or conceptual approval permit, excluding permits for a mitigation bank:


a.  New application – the processing fee for a new permit application shall be as determined from the categories below:



Total project area of less than 10 acres and less than 1 acre of works in,



on, or over wetlands and other surface waters, and less than 10 new boat slips



Project exceeds any of the thresholds in 4.a.(I), above, but involves a total



project area of less than 40 acres, less than 3 acres of works in, on, or over



wetlands and other surface waters, and less than 30 new boat slips



Project exceeds any of the thresholds in 4.a.(II), above, but involves a total



project area of less than 100 acres, less than 10 acres of works in, on, or



over wetlands and other surface waters, and less than 50 new boat slips



Project exceeds any of the thresholds in 4.a.(III), above, but involves a



total project area of less than 640 acres, and less than 50 acres of works



in, on, or over wetlands and other surface waters



Project exceeds any of the thresholds in 4.a.(IV), above



Project exclusively for agricultural or silvicultural purposes; the fee for



projects that are solely for agricultural or silvicultural purposes shall be the



same as that required by the Water Management District in which the majority



of the project area is located, in accordance with Rule 40A-44.201,



incorporated by reference herein; and Rules 40B- 1.706, 40C-1.603,



40D-1.607, or 40E-1.607, F.A.C., as applicable, as incorporated by



reference in Rule 62-330.071, F.A.C.   The fee shall be the same as that



required by the Water Management District in which the majority of the project



area is located



Individual or conceptual approval permit solely for environmental restoration



or enhancement, provided such activities are not associated with a



mitigation bank and are not being implemented as mitigation for other activities



that require a permit under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S. For purposes of this



provision, the term “environmental restoration or enhancement” means




an action or actions designed and implemented solely to convert degraded


or altered uplands, wetlands, or other surface waters to intact communities

typical of those historically present, or to improve the quality and condition

of currently degraded wetlands or other surface waters to a more healthy,

functional, and sustaining condition for fish, wildlife, and listed species



Individual or conceptual approval permit solely to retrofit an existing



stormwater management system or to add treatment to and reduce stormwater



pollutant loadings from an existing stormwater management system



Individual permit to construct, alter, maintain or operate a project that is



consistent with a valid conceptual approval permit:



50% of the fee otherwise required for an individual permit under 4.a.(I) thorugh (VIII), above, but not below the minimum required processing fee of $250



b.  Major modification exceeding any of the thresholds in subsection 62-330.315(3),F.A.C.:


Same fee as for new permit for the same activity under 4.a.(I) through (IX), above


5.  Minor modification of an individual or conceptual approval permit, including a permit for a mitigation bank, that does not exceed any of the thresholds in subsection

62- 330.315(3), F.A.C.:


a.  Extension of permit duration, where not exempt from payment of fees under Florida Statutes, $80

b.  To correct minor errors that do not involve technical review, $0

c. To to transfer ownership of a permit or to transfer the permit to an operation and maintenance entity, $0

d.  All other minor modifications, $250


6.  Variance or waiver:


a.  Under Section 120.542, F.S., $0

b.  Under Section 373.414(17), F.S., $170


7.  Fee reduction for applications for an individual or conceptual approval permit or modification thereof submitted using the Agency’s electronic application system

where the processing fee in (h)4. above exceeds $250:  


Fee shall be reduced by $100, but not below the minimum required processing fee of $250


Determination of the landward extent of wetlands and other surface waters:

1.  Informal determination - fees shall be based on the acreage of the entire property for which the request applies, as follows:


a.  Total area to be included in the determination is up to 1 acre, $100

b.  Additional fee per acre (or portion thereof) beyond the first acre;  total fee not to exceed $500, $50


2.  Petition for formal determination fees shall be based on the acreage of the entire property for which the petition is filed, as follows:


a. Total area to be included in the determination is less than 10 acres, $780

b. Total area to be included in the determination is at least 10, but less than 40 acres, $1,060

c. Total area to be included in the determination is at least 40, but no more than 100 acres, $2,110

d.  Additional fee per 100 acres (or portion thereof) beyond the first 100 acres, $290


3.  Reissuance of a formal determination, in accordance with section 7.2.4 of Applicant’s Handbook Volume I, $350



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