Compliance Submittal


Submitting Compliance Documents

Follow these steps to submit Compliance documents such as well completion reports:


Step 1:  Enter permit number

a.  Enter the permit number.

b.  Select a Due Date Range.  The Date Range defaults to No Specific Date..  

c.  Click Submit Query.



Step 2:  Select the submittal form

Select the submittal form you wish to complete by clicking on the link in the Submittal Name column.



Step 3:  Complete the required information and attach any necessary documents.

The submittal type selected determines the form that will be displayed for completion.


Step 4:  View your confirmation and click Continue

After completing the compliance form(s) and clicking Submit,

a.  You will receive a Thank You page confirming receipt of your changes.

b.  Click Continue to return to the Home Page.


Step 5:  View your confirmation e-mail

You'll receive an e-mail, confirming your compliance submittal.


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