Fee Lists

This list is a brief summary of the various permit fees and is not to be considered as an official and complete fee schedule. Please refer to the applicant’s handbook of the specific permit type for all fee details and conditions.


Water Well Construction

Water well construction


Public Water Supply Wells per Rule 40B-3.041, F.A.C.


Modification or Renewal




Well Construction Permits in Delineated Areas per Chapter 62-524, F.A.C., of rules of Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Public Supply Wells


Private Supply Wells


Modification or Renewal






All other wells falling under Rule 40B-3.041, F.A.C.



Modification or Renewal





Class V Air Conditioning or Heating Return Wells per sub-subparagraph 62-28.130(1)(e)1.a., F.A.C., of rules of Florida Department of Environmental Protection as adopted by reference in Rule 40B-5.011, F.A.C.



Modification or Renewal







Water Well Contractors

Water well contractor licensing


Water Well Contractor Licenses per Rule 40B-3.037, F.A.C.




Re-issuance of Inactive License




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