Searching by Project Contacts

While no log in is required to search, you must have a log in and be signed in to your account in order to save or download your search results.


Searching by Project Contacts

Follow these steps to conduct a search using the Project Contacts:


Step 1:  Navigate to the search screen

From the Home Page, navigate to Search, and select Project Contacts.



Step 2:  Enter the Project Contacts

You may search by any of the names associated with the permit.

Section A - Enter the Project Contacts or part of the contact name.  You may search by Owner, Applicant/Permittee, Agent, Contractor, or Reviewer.

Section B - If you know the Permit Type, use the drop-down menu to select it.

Section C - Select a permit status.

Section D - If you know the county, use the drop-down menu to select it.

Section E - The Date Range defaults to a received date between today's date and one year prior.  If you do not know the date, select No Date Range.

Click Submit to execute the search.




Step 3:  Sort your search results

There are two search filters:

  • Order by

  • Ascending/Descending

a.  Use the drop-down menu to sort search results.

b.  Click Go.




Step 4:  View your results

Your results are displayed:  

Section A - Clicking on the Permit Number link will display additional information about the permit (see Step 4).

Section B - Clicking on the See Related Permits link will display the history of the selected permit, removing all other retrieved data from the results table.

Section C - Clicking the Download Results button allows you to download your results as a text file to your PC.

Section D - Clicking the Save Results button allows you to save your search criteria for future searches and/or save the results from your search.



Step 5:  Click on the Permit Number link

To see more detail about your search results, click the Permit Number link.

Section A - Clicking on the Map link will generate a display of the project boundaries, station locations, and additional permit information in the GIS interface window.

Section B - If the application/permit has other documents associated with it, they will be contained in folders labeled for the document type.

Section C - If the application/permit has been published in the legal notices, links to those notices will be contained in the Notices folder.



Step 6:  Click List all by Date

To view all of the documents in the folders by date, click List all by Date.



Step 7:  View and/or select documents

All documents in all folders will be displayed by date.  Under the Link column, you can click the documents links to view the document.

Click Show Folder to return to the folder view.



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