Searching by Legacy Permit Number

While no log in is required to search, you must have a log in and be signed in to your account in order to save or download your search results.


Searching by Legacy Permit Number

Follow these steps to conduct a search using the Legacy Permit Number:


Step 1:  Navigate to the search screen

From the Home Page, navigate to Search, and select Legacy Permit Number.



Step 2:  Enter the core permit number

Enter the core permit number.  Click Submit to execute the search.




Step 3:  Sort your search results

There are two search filters:

  • Order by

  • Ascending/Descending

a.  Use the drop-down menu to sort search results.

b.  Click Go.




Step 4:  View your results

Your results are displayed:  

Section A - Clicking on the Permit Number link will display additional information about the permit (see Step 4).

Section B - Clicking on the See Related Permits link will display the history of the selected permit, removing all other retrieved data from the results table.

Section C - Clicking the Download Results button allows you to download your results as a text file to your PC.

Section D - Clicking the Save Results button allows you to save your search criteria for future searches and/or save the results from your search.



Step 5:  Click on the Permit Number link

To see more detail about your search results, click the Permit Number link.

Section A - Clicking on the Map link will generate a display of the project boundaries, station locations, and additional permit information in the GIS interface window.

Section B - If the application/permit has other documents associated with it, they will be contained in folders labeled for the document type.

Section C - If the application/permit has been published in the legal notices, links to those notices will be contained in the Notices folder.



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