Updating Your Profile

When you created an account with e-Permitting, you created a profile with your contact details. To use the e-Permitting site effectively, it's important to keep this information accurate and up-to-date.


Updating Your Profile

Follow these steps to update your profile:


Step 1:  Log in to your account

a.  Enter your User Name and password.  

b.  Click Sign In.  You will be directed to the Account Services page.



Step 2:  Select the Update Your Profile link

From the Account Services menu, select the Update Your Profile link.




Step 3:  Update/change your profile information

a.  Update or change your profile information.  

b.  Click Submit.

Note:  Required fields are denoted by a red asterisk ( * ).  



Step 4:  Click Continue

a.  You will receive a Thank You page confirming receipt of your changes.

b.  Click Continue to return to the Home Page.




Step 5:  View your confirmation e-mail

A confirmation notice will be sent to your e-mail address.

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